Woah, I've got a shitload of shit to tell today ahah!
First of all Brisbane's The Amity Affliction's new album 'Severed Ties'
comes out in 6 days and Bring Me The Horizon's 'Suicide Season'
comes out in exactly one month; so you could say it's a big next
few weeks for hardcore and metal!
Please buy them, as they are both extremely talented bands.

Secondly I had regionals for athletics today and did extremely well,
better than I expected to achieve. I came 2nd in 110m hurdles with
16.27s, and 3rd in 100m with a personal best of 11.79s but it's not
over because I have 200m and high jump tomorrow
so I'll let you know how that goes :D
Do you ever have one of those days that you feel
like you're in slow motion and nothing really matters?
When you don't care about consequences, and you just feel angry?
There's just one girl I miss and I can't see her, I just hope she doesn't
mind the distance; but no matter the distance we're still connected.
You just have to close your eyes...
Amity Affliction's new debut album 'Severed Ties' will be out on
the fourth next month. It's due to rock your socks off as I've heard
'Fruity Lexia' and it's like nothing you've ever heard so be sure
to check their myspace and watch their new video trailer :D
Out on the tracks with dusk's glow,
with the winter's breeze a flow.
Days gone by, memories stop by,
these are the days that make me fly.
After their latest release 'Isolation' Carpathian are well
into their tour and enjoying every moment of it!
Here's the latest on everything Carpathian :D
The sun floods through the blinds,
one singular thought on everyone's minds.
Different routines but the same cause,
sometimes it gets so hectic you just want to hit pause.
In go the headphones to block the world's sound,
the calm before the storm is what I've found.
Give these guys a listen, I can't stop listening to them :DBest chilled aussie hip hip you've ever heard!Horrowshowcrew
Another tattoo design that a friend requested,with heavy emphasis on Christian archetypes,and old-school sailors tattoo :D enjoy
Here's to three days of pure indolence :D
I'll be drawing up some new pictures and what not,
so be sure to check my shit if you have some time!
Oh and maybe a bit of skating if I'm lucky ahah
And I can't get her out of the void that occupies my head,so do me a favour and check her blog out :Dteatimeforwolves
These past few days have been hectic in awesome way :D
Starting with Friday's day out to the Buddhist Temple at Priestdale,
followed by the All Hallows Semi-Formal at the Mecure Hotel, and lastly
the viewing of 'Hot Rod' one of the single most funny things I've ever watched!
Check my space for more photos
As I was walking home from the city yesterday the girlsin the unit up the road were walking around topless,I had to rub my eyes; I couldn't believe it ahah
But what's even better than that is my mates skate video