Monday, September 22, 2008


No matter the distance, not matter the change of location, or destination;
Brisbane will always be in my blood. I can't ever abandon it.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


To the person who thinks they can get everything they want because they said so.
Just because your parents give you everything you've ever wanted doesn't mean
you get to ruin other peoples emotional state, princess.

I've pushed you away, to the void to avoid your selfish self-absorbed personality.
I have broken free of you childish actions, and now I'm going to set everyone else
that you've turned to stone free.


As I sit here and sip my coffee I think about the experiences one pair of eyes see.
And if you could replay them like a movie on a projector screen,
would you see things differently? Would you regard someone
previously in high stead, to a back stabber? Who knows?

Today is such a beautiful day, no clouds to be seen for kilometres as endless
blues swallow the sky. So for the sake of everyone, maybe just acknowledge
that you could be worse off than you are.

What if you were me, and I were you?

Friday, September 19, 2008


Oh how eventful this week has been!
Just like going on a bear hunt, Dec and I embarked on a day long
trip to the Gold Coast to rendezvous with his girlfriend. Taking many
a photo along the way as wandered looking for right bus stops and
bumping into old people. After spending some time by the pool side
we packed up and began the journey back home to the soundtrack
of Death Cab For Cutie in our ears as we slept side-by-side on the train.

To top the week off we had our semi-formal! With drinks on tap and a
sea of suave youths, we danced the night away. Check the photos on
myspace for more :D

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Today is definitely spring, as I stepped out of my house to go for a walk, the footpaths lent me their backs as I traversed my neighbourhood. The gentle breeze greeted me, and warm sun joined in. Oh how I love spring.

As I sip my cup of tea as I write this, I think to about all the unfortunate people
who aren't able to experience this wonderful place, I savour it for you

The soundtrack of today is Band of Horses 'Cease To Begin', check it.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


As I slowly came to consciousness, my hand drifted to the play button of my iPod,
to pick up from where I left off last night. Like an old car waiting for it's engine to
warm before any form motion occurs, I lay there on my bed.

Today was a really good day, but that's not to say every other isn't.
Mum and I went to DFO to shop for semi-formal clothes as well as the groceries.
Was lovely to spend some time with Mum for a change.

The soundtrack of today was hands down Enter Shikari's 'Take To The Skies'.
Please do the world a favour and check it out, one word: dope :D

Monday, September 8, 2008


Ever since we can remember, we've been in an institution.
And I think to myself what would we as kids of this generation be like if schools
didn't exist to teach us the 'politically necessary' information we are taught.
What if we were taught to love unconditionally, to express ourselves through a
means of art or literature? Maybe we wouldn't have as many societal problems
as we do now? There's always a lot of maybes and what ifs when questioning
the past.

To put it in words, I'm so very grateful for the many great experiences that I've
had and the many wonderful people who've enriched my life.
Everything happens for a reason.

So thank you from me to you, who ever you are

Friday, September 5, 2008


Today started off with droning sound of rain on my tin roof, drowing out
the dreadful sounds of mankind and making a percussion ensemble of
one hundred thousand rain drops.
Stretching out and uniting my feet and the floor once more, I began my day.

These rainy Brisbane days make the world go slower, it helps you to think
clearer and appreciate how much you appreciate the sun.
The soundtrack of today was definitely Tool, I could listen to them all day.

Oh and not to mention Prue's to die for hugs ahah, today was so noir...

Thursday, September 4, 2008


It was raining, all day. The birds had found somewhere dry to wait it
out and we humans went on our daily business. I think if everyone
was worried and concerned about what happens to people everyday
they'd be scared. One person dies every 5 seconds, one day it will be you


I'm not talking planets or galaxies and the distance just makes it worse.
I know what you're thinking, this probably sounds rehearsed.

Monday, September 1, 2008


'Maybe everyone has it wrong and heaven is not the reward when you die,
but heaven could be right here and now, on this earth, if we would only tap
into it. Instead of finding ways to avoid any contact with other people,
we could be gods on earth seeking peace and doing good for one another'
Jay Norton

Reading this guy's artist statements about his works really got me thinking,
thinking about why we do what we do everyday. No matter what I'm going to
stick to my convictions, and keep my integrity.