Sunday, November 23, 2008


After all this time,
I still don't know what I'm doing here.

What I've done, not worth a dime,
Who I'm growing into, is what I fear.

A journey like a winding river,
contemplating the future makes me shiver.

A galleon in the pacific,
going no where in specific.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Sheer​ white​ sheet​s now blood​ spatt​ered,​
the words​ you said,​ I'm not flatt​ered.​

I'm afrai​d you broug​ht the plagu​es,​
becau​se greed​ is blind​,​ nothi​ng you will find.​

Uncle​nch and embra​ce,​
the vice of death​ you must face.​

Bring​ this horiz​on swift​ and fast,​
imper​manen​ce at last.​

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Time and time again your voice rings,
hollow words echo inside me.

Your fangs sunk deep and devoured what was,
every solitary moment is plagued by what you've done.

Why couldn't you leave me be?
NO, you left me for the wolves.

Now you are you're own demise,
take your guilt and leave, BITCH!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


For months you filled my ears with sweet nothings,
and just like you, none of them stayed.

After every intimate encounter you made me feel worthless,
like a black widow, you sucked the life outta me!

The fabric of our relationship had frayed,
and you tore the last strand.

So here's to us princess, you sorry waste of a soul.

Now fuck this shit, GO!

Monday, November 3, 2008


Overflowing with hatred, I cannot contain me, I erupt
I feel violent, volatile, on the verge of destruction
So lost inside myself, it resonates this beating against my head and heart
So lost inside myself, it isolates as routine bites hard

This downward spiral, this endless circle, this solitude
I am nothing, I am permanence.