Thursday, January 29, 2009


2009 brings new friends, new places, and new experiences.
This year brings the end of my schooling and a new leaf of
my life and so I'm trying my best to put a positive step
forward towards life after school!

I'll be taking as many photos, drawing as many drawings,
and living as much as I can over this year making sure I
don't have any regrets. This is an affirmation of me.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Yes I know I'm late to the band wagon but my mates just got me into them!
Check out their myspace and this video


Wake up, open your eyes,
pull back the curtain, surprise!

Push back the political spoon,
be ready to draw on high noon.

They're slaggin' nerve gas,
be ready to hold fast.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Hollowness resounds inside this chasm,
attempting to hold onto what was never there.
Lost in a sea of insecurity the waves crash over me,
the light flickers through the ageless blue.

I'm looking towards the sky yet I'm still drowning,
wishing I was upon the ships of the sky.
Only in my dreams I am granted to fly.

Friday, January 2, 2009


And so another vicious cycle begins.
Hard work and a lot of fun, in order
to have fun you've got do the hard work
to enjoy the fun.

Enjoy your new years, make the most of everyday.