Sunday, March 29, 2009


She probably won't hang around with me too long after school, we'll have each other but then she'll realize I'm going nowhere fast. I'm unmotivated, directionless and lazy, what sort of a person would want to spend their life with that? I can love, be affectionate but I won't be able to provide, hopefully that doesn't matter to her. I like to day dream that the jobs I want, I'll eventually get but like I said it's just a dream. I'd like to prove that I can get there, but everything I've ever picked up I gave it away when it got too hard. Some days of the week I feel like not waking up, some days I couldn't be anymore optimistic but it's probably cause I'm still dreaming.


Every time I try to start or continue these assignments for school my mind wanders off to thoughts of things I'd rather be doing. My mind is sitting on a razors edge with two ways to turn, do I not try at all and pursue what I'd rather be doing or do I do them to achieve what the school, my parents, or society wants me to do? In a world where were people tell you, you have to do things you don't want to do in order to get higher in this 'pecking order'. But if you look closely it's the same in every culture: kings, queens, mayors, presidents and laborers, farmers, postmen. So there is no escaping 'It', 'The Man', 'Life'.
Even if you could do what you wanted every day, would you still want to do it?

Friday, March 20, 2009


And I feel out of place, like hexagon in a square.
I look for people to associate myself with as a
natural human instinct to assimilate oneself.
We're all conformists unfortunately because we're
not Isaac Newtons we're not William Wallaces.
Hopefully it's my integrity and open mind that
sets me apart, set me apart from the ropes that
tie me down. But I wouldn't have it any other way
because I wouldn't be who I am today.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I've come to the realization that the world developed habits
beyond repair. And the majority our society just doesn't want
to deal with it until is suits them, which is too late. I don't
have a personal vendetta against alcohol because it's not the
substance that is the problem, it's the people using it.
There are just so many reasons why it's bad though, because
it's the worst drug out it's the leading cause of preventable death
in the world. As much as I want to escape this reality, it's not going
to happen so here's to the 21st Century.

On another note hopefully I am able to traverse this world on my own
two feet and witness is with my own two eyes because I don't know
how much longer it's going to last.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


When I think of pride I think of heritage,
A bloody history against oppression.
Irish luck from days of old,
Locked inside is a pot of gold.

We came on boats of blood and wood,
in search of something, something real.
Braving depths of the Pacific,
not knowing what to feel but
a better life was the deal.

Never looking back only forward
into the unknown, the unexpected.
You gotta live like you're gonna die,
we started dying the day we started crying.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Today went extremely quickly, you know those kind of days where it's the
end of the day but feels like only an hour? Yeah one of those ones.
Also I have this urge inside of me at the moment where I just want to pack a
pair of jeans, shirts and take my camera and skateboard and just leave to
explore anywhere and everywhere. Naive I know, but hey I'm allowed to dream!
It's gotten so bad the thoughts in my head about what I want to do just wont
allow me to sleep. Exam block next week and finish term one the week after,
I'm seriously looking forward to holidays so much. Just getting up and catching
the bus or train or anything I can find to go where ever I want.
Sorry just wasted a minute of your life :)

Friday, March 13, 2009


My folks tell me I won't make a living out of photography or art,
but I'll show them one day that I can walk tall and take some initiative.
They tell me if I fuck up in school I fuck up my life.


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