For the past few weeks I've just wanted to give up on school and go out and do my own thing but if I was granted that would what I do? I look up to Martin Kirby and I aspire to be like him, he's human he's worldly unlike these so called 'stars' who sing songs about materialistic values and sexism towards women.
Also I see people who are attending school and achieving great things, creating street magazines, getting noticed for their artwork and getting a name for themselves. However I seem to think this is all going to happen over night and I just can't seem to find the motivation to take my interests and talents further. I'm just lazy and lack ambition realistically and it's a disease because like a weed it spreads to other aspects of my life. Where did I go wrong to develop such a hindering habit?
I feel as though nothing explains it better than: 'Two ways to choose, On a razor's edge, Remain behind, Go straight ahead. Room full of people, room for just one, If I can't break out now, the time just won't come'.