Thursday, August 28, 2008


Woah, I've got a shitload of shit to tell today ahah!
First of all Brisbane's The Amity Affliction's new album 'Severed Ties'
comes out in 6 days and Bring Me The Horizon's 'Suicide Season'
comes out in exactly one month; so you could say it's a big next
few weeks for hardcore and metal!
Please buy them, as they are both extremely talented bands.

Secondly I had regionals for athletics today and did extremely
better than I expected to achieve. I came 2nd in 110m hurdles
16.27s, and 3rd in 100m with a personal best of 11.79s but it's
over because I have 200m and high jump tomorrow
so I'll let you
know how that goes :D

1 comment:

Emma.Hayes said...

wow, thats really talented :)
i suck at hurdles, basketball is more my thing hahah.
how did you go with high jump