Monday, September 14, 2009


"Earlier this month the biggest ecstasy bust in world history happened in this city. Is it strange the feeling of disappointment I have as an Australian? Does the majority of the the population feel disappointment in having this milestone on our shoulders?
Do I care too much?

Obviously drug use is something I condemn personally, but surely when it gets to this level we, as a whole, have to realise that something is becoming increasingly wrong?

Currently I am sitting in bed listening to the rain wash away the alcohol, drug, blood, vomit and urine stains that line the streets of Richmond after the weekends social events…

For me personally it was even harder than usual to interact with old friends that I no longer see as the majority of them were too wasted to have even the beginnings of a conversation. The saddest part is I guess we originally grew apart over differences about drugs and drinking or how we should spend our time growing up or what ‘fun’ is. I know people think I’m in an eternal bad mood or boring or uptight but I would like to think that there is more to being young than this… I remember fun.

Maybe I grew up too fast and again, maybe I care too much." - Martin Kirby

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